Water is not an Element

Water (H2O) is a compound of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. It has the formula H2O, meaning that each molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

Why is there Fluoride in my drinking water?

CDC exposed as private corporation colluding with Big Pharmaceuticals.

By Ethan A. Huff | Natural News

The illusory notion that the federal regulatory agency known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is somehow a public entity working on behalf of the people to protect us all from disease is simply laughable.

The CDC, by definition, is a private corporation working on behalf of its stakeholders, which include key players in the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries that profit from the spread of disease, not from real prevention and cures.

The first and most obvious clue that the CDC isn’t what it appears on the surface is the fact that this supposed government agency is listed in the official Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) directory as a for-profit corporation.

D&B is a Fortune 500 company based in New Jersey that maintains databases on more than 235 million companies worldwide – it’s a who’s who of the global business climate, and is recognized as one of the first companies to be publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Here’s a screenshot of the CDC’s listing on D&B, courtesy of the AntiCorruption Society:


Big Pharma and the CDC: one in the same

Anyone who tries to argue with you that the CDC is looking out for public safety as its first priority just needs to take a glance at D&B to see that the CDC is actually looking out for its own bottom line, and that of its corporate allies. Which brings us into our second piece of evidence that the CDC is a corrupt, drug-pandering sham – many of the CDC’s top health “experts” have ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

An investigation by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) found that three key “scientists” who helped develop official swine flu policy for the World Health Organization (WHO), recommending that practically everyone be vaccinated, received cash payments from both Roche and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), two pharmaceutical giants that manufacture swine flu vaccines.

These two companies, as reported by The Guardian in 2010, paid off policymakers in multiple countries, including in the U.S. (at the CDC), to write the WHO’s guidelines for swine flu that pushed dangerous swine flu vaccines on millions of people globally. With the help of the CDC and other corrupt agencies, these pharmaceutical corporations pocketed billions of dollars.

“The tentacles of drug company influence are in all levels in the decision-making process,” stated Paul Flynn, a British Member of Parliament who spoke out against this racket as it was occurring.

CDC pushes fake science promoting deadly drugs, vaccines

The CDC has also been complicit in forging fake science to push other dangerous vaccines like the MMR jab for measles, mumps and rubella. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. blew the lid on this scandal that same year, outing now-shamed scientist Poul Thorsen for stealing $2 million in research money while covering up the link between MMR and autism, which the CDC ate right up in its quest to protect the reputation of MMR.

Top CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson has also since come forward as a whistleblower to expose the CDC for manipulating research findings that showed MMR causes autism at a disproportionately higher rate in young black boys compared to other children – though MMR causes autism in all types of children, this same research found.

“As more and more ‘vaccination’ propaganda appears in the mainstream media, it is crucial that the American people become aware of the outrageous scam the CDC and the medical industrial complex are running,” warns the AntiCorruption Society.

“All that is needed is for folks to educate themselves and join the many good people (professionals and non-professionals) working to get the truth out.”

What is the best water to drink?

Tap water:
is municipal water that comes out of the faucets and has been treated, processed and disinfected. It is purified with chlorine and generally has added fluoride. But one of the byproducts from using chlorine in our drinking water is linked to cancer.

Reverse Osmosis Water:
goes through membranes that remove larger particles, pollutants and minerals and is usually at a neutral pH level of 7.0.
Alkaline Water:
has sodium bicarbonate added so the pH level is at 8.0 with usually the reverse osmosis water but has no other minerals in it. Alkaline water claims to help many help problems like digestion. Soft and sweet.
Oxygenated Water: is the Reverse Osmosis Water with pure oxygen added once in the pulmonary system can ease breathing after a workout, increase energy and clear foggy thoughts. Also has a clear, crispt taste like an elixir.
Structured Spring Mineral Water: is the Reverse Osmosis Water pumped through a canister shaped inside as if it was a natural mountain side setting. Water forced through the canister to imitate water flowing over rocks, waterfalls and underground collecting minerals and bringing the original water memory back to the water. It’s pH level is at 7.2 and has a very nice clean taste to it.
Kangen Water: Kangen water originates from Japan, where users have been touting its health benefits for years. The process of creating Kangen water attempts to replicate the supposed health benefits of various sources of “healing waters” around the world. The name Kangen is reputed to translate to “return to source,” meaning that the process creates water that has been purified and is more like the water found in unspoiled nature. Kangen water is created by passing the water through the Kangen filtration machine which ionizes the water to eliminate free radicals, changes the pH of the water to an alkaline or basic pH (8.5-9.5), and adds what is called “active hydrogen” to the water. Health benefits claimed by the makers of Kangen water machines include reduced aches, pains, and general fatigue, slower aging and cleansing of all the body’s systems.